CIAC Advisory F-08: IP Address Spoofing and Hijacked Session

Nayfield, Rod (rnayfield@mail.IConNet.COM)
Mon, 23 Jan 95 15:09:52 EST

     I just got this in, sorry if this is a duplicate; I have yet to see it 
     posted (as of 3:05pm)

______________________________ Forward Header __________________________________
Subject: CIAC Advisory F-08: IP Address Spoofing and Hijacked Session
Author: at Internet
Date:    1/23/95 2:57 PM

                       The U.S. Department of Energy
                    Computer Incident Advisory Capability
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                               ADVISORY NOTICE
            Internet Address Spoofing and Hijacked Session Attacks 
January 23, 1994 1100 PST                                        Number F-08 
PROBLEM:       Sophisticated new attacks on Internet systems based on
               forged IP packets and hijacked login sessions.
PLATFORMS:     Primarily Unix systems connected to the Internet, although
               all systems that support session authentication based on IP 
               addresses are potentially vulnerable.  Systems protected by 
               packet filtering firewalls may also be vulnerable.
DAMAGE:        Unauthorized privileged access to systems.
SOLUTION:      Enable router packet filtering on inbound Internet traffic,
               and protect systems against root compromise.
VULNERABILITY  These attacks represent a significant new threat to Internet 
ASSESSMENT:    systems.  Without proactive measures in place, these attacks
               are very difficult to detect or defend against.  CIAC strongly 
               recommends sites implement the solutions described below as 
               soon as is possible.
             Critical Information about the Internet Attacks
CIAC has received information regarding a new attack technique on systems 
connected to the Internet.  These attacks are based on the exploitation of 
two separate vulnerabilites: forging or spoofing the source address of IP 
packets and hijacking already established login sessions.  Although these 
vulnerabilities are currently being used together to attack systems, each 
may also be used on its own.  Both of these vulnerabilities must be 
addressed in order to keep systems secure.
IP Spoofing Attacks
  The first vulnerability, spoofing IP packets, allows an intruder on the 
  Internet to effectively impersonate a local system's IP address.  If other 
  local systems perform session authentication based on the IP address of a 
  connection (e.g. rlogin with .rhosts or /etc/hosts.equiv files under Unix), 
  they will believe incoming connections from the intruder actually originate 
  from a local "trusted host" and will not require a password.  This technique 
  is especially damaging when root connections are permitted with no password.
  Services that are vulnerable to forged IP packets include:
     SunRPC & NFS
     BSD Unix "r" commands, including rlogin
     Services secured by TCP Wrappers using source address access control 
     X Windows
  It is possible for forged packets to penetrate firewalls based on filtering 
  routers if the router is not configured to block incoming packets with 
  source addresses in the local domain.  It is important to note that this 
  attack is possible even if no session packets can be routed back to the 
  attacker.  Note also that this attack is not based on the source routing 
  option of the IP protocol.
  The IP spoofing attacks are very similar to those described in section 2
  of "Security Problems in the TCP/IP Protocol Suite" by Steve Bellovin.  This 
  paper was published in _Computer Communication Review_ vol. 19, no. 2 (April 
  1989), pages 32-48.  It is also available via anonymous FTP from in the file /dist/internet_security/
  Additional information is available in the paper "A Weakness in the 4.2BSD 
  Unix TCP/IP Software," by Robert T. Morris.  It is also available via 
  anonymous FTP from in the file 
  IP spoofing attacks are currently very difficult to detect.  If your site 
  has the ability to monitor network traffic on the external interface of your 
  Internet router, examine incoming traffic for packets with both a source
  and destination address in your local domain.  Such packets should never be 
  found entering your site from the Internet and are a strong indicator that 
  an IP spoofing attack is in progress.
  Users within the Deparment of Energy (DOE) and Department of Defense (DOD) 
  communities may obtain a new version of the Network Intrusion Detector (NID) 
  with added features allowing the detection of IP spoofing attacks.  Please 
  contact Bob Palasek, NID Project Leader, at (510) 422-8527 or, for more information.
  Additionally, two freely available software tools are known to allow this 
  type of packet monitoring on Unix systems: tcpdump and netlog.  The tcpdump 
  package is available via anonymous FTP from in the file 
  /tcpdump.tar.Z (MD5 checksum 4D8975B18CAD40851F382DDFC9BD638F).  When built 
  and installed, the command
     # tcpdump src net X.Y and dst net X.Y
  will print all packets found that claim to have both a source and 
  destination IP address on the X.Y network.  The netlog package, developed at 
  Texas A&M University, is available via anonymous FTP at 
  in the file /pub/tools/unix/TAMU/netlog-1.2.tar.gz (MD5 checksum 
  1DD62E7E96192456E8C75047C38E994B).  When built and installed, it may be 
  invoked with the command
     # tcplogger -b | extract -U -e 'srcnet=X.Y.0.0 && dstnet=X.Y.0.0 {print}'
  to scan for packets with a source and destination address on the same 
  Currently, the best defense against IP spoofing attacks is to filter packets 
  as they enter your router from the Internet, blocking any packet that claims 
  to have originated inside your local domain.  This feature, known as an 
  input filter, is currently known to be supported by several brands of 
     Bay Networks/Wellfleet, version 5 and later 
     Cabletron with LAN Secure
     Cisco, RIS software version 9.21 and later 
  If your current router hardware does not support packet filtering on 
  inbound traffic, a second router may be installed between the existing 
  router and the Internet connection.  This second router may then be used 
  to filter spoofed IP packets with an output filter.
Hijacked Session Attacks
  The second attack currently being observed involves the use of a tool 
  called "tap" to take over existing login sessions on a system.  This tool 
  allows an intruder with root access to gain control of any other session 
  currently active on the system, executing commands as if they had been 
  typed by the owner of the session.  If the user session has previously 
  performed a telnet or rlogin to another system, then the intruder may gain 
  access to the remote system as well, bypassing any authentication normally 
  required for access.
  Currently, the tap tool is only known to affect SunOS 4.1.x systems, 
  although the system features that allow the attack are not unique to Sun 
  The owner of the hijacked session may notice unusual activity, including 
  the appearance of commands typed by the intruder.  Users should be 
  notified of this possibility and encouraged to report any suspicious 
  The primary defense against this attack is to prevent root compromise 
  through careful system management, installation of security patches, and 
  network controls such as firewalls.
  The tap tool currently in use makes use of SunOS loadable module support 
  to dynamically modify the operation of the running Unix kernel.  CIAC 
  recommends that sites not requiring loadable modules disable this feature 
  on their SunOS 4.1.x systems.
  To do so, edit the kernel configuration file found in the 
  /sys/`arch -k`/conf directory and comment out the following line with a 
  "#" character:
     options        VDDRV           # loadable modules
  Then build and install the new kernel:
     # /etc/config CONFIG_NAME
     # cd ../CONFIG_NAME
     # make
     # cp /vmunix /vmunix.orig
     # cp vmunix /
     # sync; sync; sync
  Finally, reboot the system to activate the new kernel.  Note that 
  intruders have been known to regenerate their own kernels and reboot 
  systems to install the functionality they desire.  The authenticity of the 
  running kernel should be verified after any unexplained system reboots.
CIAC wishes to acknowledge the contributions of the CERT Coordination 
Center, Eric Allman, Steve Bellovin, Keith Bostic, Bill Cheswick, Mike 
Karels, and Tsutomu Shimomura for their assistance in the construction of 
this bulletin.
For emergencies and off-hour assistance, DOE and DOE contractor sites can 
contact CIAC 24-hours a day via an integrated voicemail and SKYPAGE number. 
To use this service, dial 1-510-422-8193 or 1-800-759-7243 (SKYPAGE). The 
primary SKYPAGE PIN number, 8550070 is for the CIAC duty person. A second 
PIN, 8550074 is for the CIAC Project Leader.  CIAC's FAX number is 
510-423-8002, and the STU-III number is 510-423-2604.  Send E-mail to
Previous CIAC notices, anti-virus software, and other information are 
available on the Internet via anonymous FTP from (IP address
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